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When you join the Role-Playing Group you get...

3 Role-Playing Groups

Most people just "wing" their role-playing practice, not knowing what they're going to practice. There are three unique groups in this group so that you can fine-tune your sales skills development: 1) Basic Scripts, 2) Objection Handling, 3) Listing Sequence (Listing Prequalification & Listing Presentation).

Coordinated Practice

As North America's #1 Role-Playing Group, you choose the days you want to practice, and we'll line you up with another member. No back-and-forth scheduling. The only thing you need to do is show up and practice. It's just that easy!

Reliable Partners! 

In this group, last-minute cancelations and no-shows rarely happen because if it does, your partner is assessed a $50 no-show penalty and is suspended from role-playing until it's paid. Because of this accountability, many members who are assessed the penalty will leave the group. However, this is how we keep the group's integrity so you can rest assured that you will be among like-minded professionals who are dependable role-playing partners who are serious about their skills development. 

Live Group Workshops

These are 45-minute group workshops that are available only to the Real Estate Role-Playing group members, and in these workshops, we focus on the fundamentals of conversational selling, objection handling, pre-qualifying the listing or buyer appointments, closing for the signature.

During these workshops, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions, receive instructions, and then role-play and practice your new techniques with a partner so that you can ensure that you're practicing and developing good habits in your one-on-one role-playing sessions.

WARNING: This group IS NOT for everyone


This group is only for real estate sales professionals who are serious about their sales skill development.

We hold our group members to a higher standard. Therefore, members who sign up for role-playing and then, regardless of reason, cancel or no-show on their committed role-playing practice are assessed a $50 no-show penalty (per occurrence) which must be paid prior to participating in any future role-playing schedules or training.

Please do not sign up for this group if you cannot commit to your role-playing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Can I Role-Play?

We role-play Monday - Friday. You can role-play as much as you like with a total of 12 role-playing opportunities every week.

When is Role-Playing?

There are three role-playing groups each week.

Basic Scripts Group: Mon - Fri at 8 AM (PST)

Objection Handling Group: Mon-Fri at 9 AM (PST)

Listing Sequence Group: Tue & Thur at 1:30 PM (PST).

What does it cost?

There are three membership options to choose from; $97 monthly, every 3-months for $218 (Save 25%), and every 6-months (Save 33%).

How do I sign up for Role-Playing?

You must sign-up each week for the following week's role-playing schedule. You choose the days, and groups you want to role-play in, and we'll randomly partner you up with another member. Sign-ups close at 12 PM (PT) every Friday and the schedule is released by 3:00 PM (PT) every Friday.

What scripts do we use?

The core of this group is the Mike Ferry scripts. However, scripts are a prelude to a talk track and members should feel comfortable using and practicing whatever scripts they feel comfortable with.

How long are the role-playing sessions?

The Script Role Playing, Objection Handling, and Pre-Qualifying the Listing Appointment are slated for 30-minute sessions, and the Listing presentation is 45-60 minutes. However, if you and your partner want to go longer then you should.

How is my role-playing partner determined?

Each week when you sign up, you will self-assess your role-playing skill level; Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced. Each day of the week, we sort role players by skill level and then run them through an algorithm that will randomly assign partners.

Who can join?

Only Real Estate Sales Professionals (Agent / Broker) and members of their team can join. Sorry, we don't cater to any other sales industry, i.e., insurance, mortgage, title, escrow, etc.

How do I cancel my membership?

Easy, you can cancel your membership anytime by accessing your membership portal or contact complete a support form

If I don't role-play that much, can I get a refund?

No, and honestly if a member isn't going to commit to role-playing at least 3 or more times per week, then this group may not be the best option.

How do I review the group Rules and Guidelines?

Here is the link where you can review the rule and guidelines of the group.

If I miss a role-playing am I really assessed a $50 no-show fee?

Yes, and the truth is that 87% of members who no-show on their partner and get assessed the no-show fee don't pay and are removed from the group. We're okay with that because this group isn't for everyone and this policy keeps the integrity of the group solid. After all, do you think if you canceled or no-showed on a listing appointment that you'd still get the listing?

Objection Handling Training

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